KGU & KCLGA Unification
This email is to inform members of KCLGA (Kent County Ladies Golf Association) and KGU that the two bodies are working closely together
To put in place the mechanics to unify on 30 March 2020 and highlight the steps needed to achieve
In April 2019, KCLGA and KGU resumed Unification talks to explore the benefits of
becoming one body ie. "˜Kent Golf' and how to achieve this. Discussions to become "˜Kent Golf' as a
unified body are progressing well.
In order to combine KCLGA and KGU, the Voting Members of each body (that is, the Affiliated Clubs)
will need to pass resolutions to agree that Unification should take place and to approve the
constitutional changes needed to achieve this. Each golf club affiliated to KCLGA is entitled to one
vote on each resolution proposed at a general meeting of KCLGA and it is the same for KGU.
What this basically means is each Nizels member with a current Handicap, has two votes to make.
1. Whether there should or should not be a vote on the Unification.
2. 'For' or 'Against' Unification.
Votes will
close on 19th February at 18:00. Once the votes have been counted we will announce the results.
Board and Committee Structure and remit
Vote 1. Unification VOTE
Vote 2. Unification