
Nizels Golf and Country Club

Ladies 9 holes NQ & Christmas Lunch (Wed)

Wednesday 4th December 2019, Red Tees, Nizels

(25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap)

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Results Score 
1stJoanne Best, Pat Morecroft, Sue Mullinjer, Sue Sheeres60.9 
2ndSamantha Baldwin, Catherine Farley, Shirley Spencer, Janette Withey61.5 
3rdAndi Burcham, Janet Goonewardene, Denise Walmsley, Janet Whitehead61.7 
4thJan Baker, Angela Butcher, Lesley Devos, Kay Edwards61.8 
5thJo Boothright, Lovie Dingle, Deborah Orchard, Dawn Pearson62 
6thMaria Skilton, Rita Trott, Carol Turl, Adele Young63 
7thJuli Fayers, Pauline Pullen, Julia Pye, Bobbi Ramsammy63.1 
8thCatherine Booth, Cheh Ngim Ratcliffe, Sheila Roughton-Smith, Laura Smeaton63.5 
9thTara Easton, Jacky Houghton, Karen Marley, Jackie Taylor63.8 
10thSarah Chuter, Jan Martindale, Gina Phillips, Theresa Wallace64 
11thMaggie Axten, Anji Edmondson, Linda Leach, Catherine Maybury65 
12thNikki Bell, Debbie Burdon, Nicola Jones, Amanda Rose65.3 
13thFiona Gilman, Diana Nicholls, Laura Pickett, Susan Yarnold65.3 
14thChris Mason, Kym Merritt, Margaret Paine, Jackie Smith65.8 
15thHeather Challis, Roni Chillcott, Lorna Matthews, Margaret Stewart66.3 
16thManda Donoghue, Lisa Kiddie, Pamela Lanceley, Christine Turtle66.6 
17thAngie Jordan, Luisa Makepeace, Kathy Robertson66.9 

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